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Fruit of the Spirit
About this Site

Teach me to do your will, for You are my God.
~Psalm 143:10

This website is truly inspired by my Heavenly Father. The reason for creating it is the love that I have for Him; (Matthew 22:37 & Luke 10:27) the deepest desire to do His will for my life; (Psalm 40:8) and the desire to serve Him better. (1 Samuel 12:24) The other reasons for creating this site is to encourage you, and to also let you know just how deeply Christ loves and cares for you; (John 3:16 & Romans 5:8) and that it's His hearts desire to have a personal relationship with you. (Revelation 3:20)
Sincerely hoping that you'll find inspiration, and that you will also have an enjoyable and positive experience here at Liv4Christ. Thank you and have a Blessed day.

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